

Students at Chandler Park participate in five, one hour classes of Numeracy each week. The curriculum is organised around the three content strands and four proficiency strands of the Victorian Curriculum. The content strands are Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability. These describe what is to be taught and learnt. The proficiency strands are Understanding, Fluency and Problem Solving. These describe how the content is explored or developed, that is, the thinking and doing of Mathematics.

The staff at Chandler Park focus on Numeracy (deeper understanding of mathematical concepts) as opposed to Mathematics (solely facts and equation based). Many sessions focus on problem solving and integrating mathematical concepts with real world applications. Numeracy sessions typically incorporate a variety of strategies and resources:

  • Concrete materials
  • Games for learning
  • Learning tasks
  • Information Communication Technology – using computers and iPads to support learning of skills and to create Numeracy projects.

Student’s different abilities are catered for through targeted focus groups addressing their needs and the application of open-ended tasks that address a wide variety of abilities within the task. Students are provided with numeracy learning experiences that are challenging, exciting and enjoyable, as well as useful in achieving a range of purposes and solving a range of common daily problems. Students are encouraged to work individually and in groups, with learning tasks set by the teacher at the required level for each individual student.

Today’s Numeracy Classrooms

In today’s numeracy classrooms:

  • Teachers have high expectations that all students can be successful in numeracy.
  • Teachers focus on each student’s numeracy learning needs.
  • Students work as a whole class, in small groups and individually.
  • Numeracy concepts and strategies are explained using materials and everyday language.
  • Students share their learning and are given feedback from their teachers and peers
  • Students work with their teachers to create personalised learning goals.

Student’s individual abilities are measured at the commencement of each unit of work, and learning tasks are provided that cater for the various needs of students. When a new topic is introduced to a student or group of students, teachers create supports to assist the students in mastering the concept. In the early stages of learning a new concept, teacher assistance is given and students practice their knowledge. The next stage is for the teacher to remove themselves and the students use the scaffolding provided by the teacher to assist them. The final stage is where the scaffolding is removed and the student has mastered the concept, and is able to complete set tasks, without assistance. As with all learning, revision is required to ensure the knowledge gained is revisited, which helps to keep it in initially the short term memory, and latterly the long term memory. 


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Teaching & Learning

The staff at Chandler Park use a variety of teaching practices to ensure they are implementing a curriculum that caters to the different educational needs of the students.

At Chandler Park, we pride ourselves on the quality of our curriculum delivery. Warm, friendly and skilled teachers deliver an excellent quality, comprehensive curriculum program from Prep to Grade 6. Each classroom teacher caters for the children needing support and those needing extension within the classroom. Interesting and challenging units of work based on developing conceptual understandings are implemented with the aim to extend children’s thinking skills, whilst developing foundations in the important areas of Reading, Writing and Mathematics.

In addition to classroom lessons, we also offer:

  • Specialised classes in the language of Mandarin, Visual Arts, Physical Education, Performing Arts and STEAM.
  • An extensive literacy and numeracy support program, where students needing extra support participate in targeted intervention programs.
  • All classrooms are fitted with an Interactive Whiteboard and each of the learning centres houses iPads and laptops for use in the classroom.
  • A well-stocked library that students visit once a week to borrow books.


At Chandler Park students participate in regular assessment tasks. This ensures that students are taught at their point of need and enables teachers to be well informed of the students skills and capabilities, allowing for teaching to be differentiated. Teachers assess the students in a variety of areas, with a particular focus on reading, writing and numeracy. Assessments are implemented using a range of methods including students working directly with the teacher, in collaborative groups or on independent learning tasks.

Digital & Design Technologies

Please watch the video below to learn more about Technology at CPPS.

Inquiry Learning

Chandler Park aims to develop student skills and understandings of the Victorian Curriculum using an Inquiry approach. Learning using the inquiry approach involves students forming their own questions about a topic and having time to explore the answers. The students are both problem posers and problem solvers within Inquiry Learning. Inquiry Learning encourages learners to examine the complexity of the world and form concepts and generalisations instead of being told simple answers to complex problems. The focus is on ‘how we know’ rather than ‘what we know’, with students actively involved in the construction of their own knowledge.

The inquiry approach to learning is based on the belief that students are powerful learners who must be actively engaged in the process of investigating, processing, organising, synthesising, refining and extending their knowledge within a topic. In other words this process is highly influenced by the theory of constructivism.

The inquiry process involves:

  • planned, direct and vicarious experiences that provide opportunities for students to pose questions and gather information.
  • activities that help students organise new information and use skills in a way that assists them to form concepts and generalisations about their world
  • opportunities for students to demonstrate what they have learnt
  • applying the knowledge, skills and values to other contexts.

The process in a nutshell includes:

  • A problem or question
  • A hypothesis
  • Data collection and analysis
  • Drawing conclusions
  • Making generalisations and reflecting
  • Authentic action

The inquiry process has the potential to develop skills and dispositions for lifelong learning, for example, independence, thinking skills, confidence, decision making, cooperative learning and other life skills. Using this approach we can integrate different subject areas, information technology and global issues.

Our aim is to place the student as a central player in the decision making process so the pace, content and skill development can better match the needs of the learner. Because the approach makes learning relevant and purposeful, ownership and responsibility for the learning process is intrinsic, impacting on enjoyment and on-task behaviour.

While there are different starting points for inquiries, for example, topical, global or community issue, interest or play-based, inquiries generally have the following characteristics.


  • are student centred and directed
  • emphasise process and skill development
  • require students to ask questions
  • are conceptual based rather than factual
  • involve some negotiation with students
  • encourage learner interaction
  • build upon prior knowledge
  • utilise and consider students interests
  • include direct experiences
  • integrate reflection and metacognition
  • involve the application of ideas
  • explore affective aspects of learning
  • raise different perspectives and tackle values

Reference: Adapted from Focus on Inquiry (2003) Jeni Wilson and Lesley Wing

Jan and Invitation and Inspirations Moss et al. Curriculum Corporation, Victoria.

Jeni Wilson & Kath Murdoch



Students at Chandler Park have access to weekly library sessions within our library. There is new furniture as well as an array of books to choose from. We currently have over 10,000 books for students to choose from and students love exploring the space and books during weekly library sessions. Mrs. Brown is our school Librarian.

LOTE – Mandarin Specialist Language Program

Chandler Park PS teaches Mandarin Chinese (pu tong hua/普通话) to all students from Prep to Grade 6.

Students have the opportunity to explore Chinese culture and they are exposed to a wide range of interesting and practical topics such as written Chinese characters, Chinese stories, traditional Chinese festivals, modern aspects of China and much more!

The Mandarin program tends to link its topics and contents to other learning areas such as Maths, Music and English. 

Mandarin lessons focus on building students’ conversational confidence and oral language skills. Children learn from an authentic Mandarin speaking classroom environment and their knowledge is developed through small group activities, games, songs, crafts and role-play.

Once a year, Chandler Park PS celebrates a Multicultural Day to promote language and cultural awareness at our school. Students at all levels come together to celebrate multilingualism and multiculturalism. External groups and/or guest speakers are invited to perform and/or to share their cultural journeys with our children.

Chandler Park students and teachers value language education and appreciate the cultural diversity of our school and the wider community.

Angela Jia
LOTE Teacher

Performing Arts

At Chandler Park Primary School, performing arts is part of a multi-faceted arts curriculum where the focus is on children expressing themselves through music, drama, dance and media.

The purpose of the Performing Arts is to build student confidence, give them a creative outlet and challenge them in new and exciting ways.

A Drama focus enables the children to express themselves through words, gestures and body language. It teaches them confidence to get up in front of their peers to perform their own and others’ pieces of work. They learn to respect the work of their fellow classmates and how to give constructive feedback on how they can improve their work and progress to the next level. Basic stagecraft techniques are taught in a safe environment where the students can explore the different drama conventions and principles in order to enhance the message or idea they are trying to convey.

A Music focus provides opportunities for students to learn how beat, rhythm, dynamics and pitch are used in different genres of music. Students experience and create music by learning to play tuned and un-tuned percussion instruments, creating music that reflects a theme or emotion and producing sound effects to complement their drama performances. They learn to read melodies and rhythms on a range of instruments and by using their voices.

A Dance focus allows students to express themselves using their body as the instrument and movement as a form of social, emotional and physical communication. Like all art forms, dance has the capacity to engage, inspire and enrich students and promotes wellbeing and social inclusion.

A Media focus encourages students to explore digital creativity to share visual representations that can communicate, challenge and inspire an audience. Students are able to develop their confidence, critical reasoning and practical skills through their involvement in digital media art forms.

Many children are involved in choirs and we offer opportunities for performances at assemblies, local shopping centres, nursing homes and productions. A production provides wonderful experience for students in prop building, costuming, performing and many other ‘behind the scenes’ roles. It is also a wonderful opportunity for the whole school community to celebrate the many talented students we have at Chandler Park Primary School.

Amanda Perera
Performing Arts Teacher


Physical Education

The Physical Education program enables all students from Foundation to Grade 6 to regularly engage in physical activity. The focus of the program is to motivate and encourage students to lead a healthy and active lifestyle whilst developing a range of fundamental motor skills. The students participate in different activities allowing them to gain the confidence they need in order to succeed. All students attend a specialist PE lesson once a week to refine and develop their skills through a wide range of sports and games.

Lisa Lawson

PE Teacher

Extra Curricula Programs

Children in Prep grades regularly participate in the PMP program. This program assists students in their social development and relationships with their peers and the surrounding environment. It aids concentration and reasoning and gives a sound basis for future formal learning. PMP enhances brain development by stimulating the five senses through movement.

Grade 3/4 students participate in weekly blocks of 3/4 Sport. This provides an opportunity for students to mix outside of their own social circles and to develop specific sports skills in a fun games environment.

Grade 5/6 students participate in weekly interschool sports matches. During this time, they have the opportunity to choose one of the 5 team sports and sharpen their sport and team skills against other schools in the district and State. Sports offered in the Summer sports program are Basketball, Softball, Tennis, Cricket and Volleyball. Winter sports such as Soccer, Rugby, AFL, T ball and Netball are played in Term 2. Our Volleyball team has reached Regional and State finals over the last three years.

We are in partnership with Serva Volleyball Academy which operates out of the Chandler Park Primary School gym afterschool on Wednesdays. In 2018 the students participated in their first Colour Run. This was a highlight for many students and teachers and has now become an annual part of our program. We have been very fortunate to receive government grants which enable the students to access professional coaches through the Sporting Schools Program Coaching Sessions in various sports. We have a historical connection to St Kilda Football Club and regularly host clinics for the students with the players from the club.

Additional events that occur off site are:

  • Cross Country Races
  • Interschool Athletics Carnival
  • Cricket Gala Days
  • Rugby Gala Days
  • Swimming Lessons
  • Outdoor Education

A range of Camps are available including the 5/6 camp, 3/4 camp and Grade 2 sleepover. Additional DET camps are offered to a selected small group of students, these include Somers Camp and Woorabinda Camp.


The Science program at Chandler Park Primary School is designed to inspire students to think about the role science plays in their everyday lives. The program encourages students to think about the things they use and see everyday in their lives and to question how those things relate to science or how they have developed over time.

Every week the students participate in an hour lesson in our new purpose built science laboratory. The lessons are engaging and as hands-on as possible. Areas of study include Biological Science, Physical Science, Earth and Space Science and Chemical Science as prescribed in the Victorian Curriculum.

At different times during the year, students may also have the opportunity to participate or be selected for additional science programs such as incursions, the ‘I Sea, I Care’ marine ambassador program and the ‘Little Scientist, Big Science’ program.

Jess McKenzie

STEAM Teacher

Visual Arts

The Da Vinci Studio is an open, light space that compliments and allows freedom of creativity. It is a nurturing learning environment where resilience is encouraged, mindfulness is practiced and persistence appreciated.

Children have an opportunity to have a voice and take responsibility for their learning. In the Da Vinci Studio, our aim is to engage learners with the idea that art should challenge thinking, provoke an action and inspire new ideas. Where possible the visual art program connects with all areas of the curriculum and makes links to Inquiry learning.

Children will have the opportunity to explore visual arts through the Seven Areas of Art; Drawing, Collage, Painting, Printmaking, Textiles, Construction, Modelling, The Art Elements; Colour & Value, Line, Shape (2D), Texture, Space, Form (3D) and The Art Making process; Ideas for Art, Art Making, Responding to Artworks.

Helen Aridas

Visual Arts Teacher

Student Voice

Student voice acknowledges that students have unique perspectives on learning, teaching, and schooling, and such should have the opportunity to actively shape their own education. Student voice is students actively participating in their schools, communities and the education system, contributing to decision making processes and collectively influencing outcomes by putting forward their views, concerns and ideas. Student voice allows students to engage, participate, lead and learn. 

At Chandler Park Primary School we acknowledge that Student Voice is a powerful driver to motivate learning. We strongly believe that students having a voice is important at both a local and global level. The opportunity to be heard and be involved as key stakeholders ensures that view points from a range of representative students are heard and this in turn leads to more informed decision making.

Students at Chandler Park have a say in the classroom and are able to express agency in learning. At Chandler Park, staff are regularly reflecting on Student Voice and Agency. In addition, we have run focus groups where students have had their voice on various matters and also empowered student leaders to run assemblies and special events. We also participate in local youth leadership forums, such as the Dandenong Children’s Forum and larger state events- like the Victorian Youth Parliamentary Convention. We continue to engage within the school and wider community to foster a strong student voice for all at Chandler Park Primary School.